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Utilizing your Church Property for Housing Development

Daniel Cook

One of the greatest needs in the USA right now is affordable housing. Some of our neighbors to the north are addressing this in a pretty unique way.


The United Church of Canada has partnered with Kindred Works, a housing developer, to "create homes for 34,000 people in the next 15 years." Having a hard time imagining what this looks like? Take a look at some of the projects that are in the works here.


Depending on your congregation's location and the size of your property, it may be possible to investigate the development of affordable housing on your site. This would provide financial sustainability to your congregation, but it could also be a tangible way to love your community and grow your ministry.

This is not the sort of project that a congregation should explore on their own,, as a traditional developer may take advantage of your lack of experience in this specialized market. If you do end up in some exploratory conversations, just make sure not to sign any agreements without having a third party review them!


Want to explore the potential of housing development on your church property? Contact DCA today to get the ball rolling. We'd love to hear more about what's going on in your community and how you'd like to be a bigger part of it.

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